In an age where life is increasingly fragmented and disconnected, Gospel Communities offer a way for believers to live missionally with other believers without, ideally, adding a burdensome rhythm to already busy lives.
Read MoreSome think good youth work needs to involve flashy tech, slick worship, ‘relevant’ content, and high-quality entertainment, but that’s not the picture we get from Paul’s teaching.
Read MoreUP School’s first intake of students hailed from all over the UK, as well as Germany and the USA, and September marked the first residential training weekend at The Church in Bassett Street, in London.
Read MoreOne young lady came up to a member of our team as the doors were opening one morning – the meeting hadn't even officially begun – and said, "Can I give my life to Jesus yet?"
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why God has kept you alive? For the apostle Paul, it was the belief that his continued presence on earth meant that there was still more for him to accomplish (Phil 1:22). I think that same logic applies to you and me.
Read MoreWhen you're willing to follow God wherever He leads, your plans might change! For Lillia and Johnny, time at last year's Newday caused them to start exploring a whole new direction for their ID internship.
Read MoreHaving been to lots of Christian events and youth weekends before, I could pretty much predict how the weekend was going to go, but I can honestly say that I have never experienced an event like this before.
Read MoreIn my limited experience of such things, those with a heart for the Lord do meet with Him in these seasons and are transformed by the experience. There is something so sweet, innocent and delightful about experiencing His presence and His powerful love so near and so tangible.
Read MoreWe want as many people as possible to be taught, trained and equipped to lead in God’s kingdom. If you are old or young, a man or a woman, and you are called to leadership in the church, workplace or community, then the LEAD course is for you.
Read MoreFollowing a pandemic and the uncertainty and upheaval that followed in its wake, Sent 2022 was full of reminders for all who attended that our God never changes and is calling a new generation to follow Him into fresh adventure.
Read More“…one of the reasons I wanted to do LEAD was because it would force me to read my Bible more. It doesn’t sound very spiritual, but it certainly worked!”
Read MoreIn September of 2020 our new podcast was launched. Its first episode was titled ‘Introduction to Relational Mission - a Way of Life’. Since then, four more episodes have been released, reaching listeners from around the world.
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Stef Liston has produced a series of insightful ten-minute videos to help us think more deeply about the themes raised in the documentary ‘The American Gospel’. Find out More…
Read MorePost-lockown, with coronavirus still affecting day-to-day life, how is our ID programme adapting for its new September intake? Matt Fell shares how his team have been hard at work making sure ID is still a year that will transform lives.
Read MoreThe Christian life is one of learning. We learn what it means to know God through Jesus Christ, who we are in him, and what it is he calls us to do. This isn’t just head knowledge. This is life knowledge. Life giving, life changing, purpose shaping knowledge….
Read MoreWe want as many people as possible to be taught, trained and equipped to lead in God’s kingdom. If you are old or young, a man or a woman, and you are called to leadership in the church, business world or community, then LEAD is for you. LEAD is for ‘the chosen many’
Read MoreOlly Knight recently went away with men and women from our family of churches for a song writing retreat.
Find out what happened and what they learned
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