Even if things don’t work out as we want them to, He prizes tears shed on the very ground we are trying to take in His name. In the grand scheme of things, those tears are often crucial in softening the hard soil so that it may effectively receive the gospel seed.
Read MoreJust like watching little ants carrying great loads on their backs, I have always wondered how my friends managed to juggle it all. Hard work is not easy, but seeing it in action and the fruit it produces reminded me that it pays off! This was just one of the lessons we learned on our trip to visit pioneering friends in Bolivia.
Read MoreIn the October update we communicated our plan to provide relief until March 2023 when our friends in Kenya hoped to harvest the crops planted in late 2022. Here’s the latest update.
Read MoreWe would both summarise a Life Education session as being THE most beautiful thing we have ever seen! Christ's Bride loving the marginalised and disadvantaged in a very practical, life transforming way - being Jesus.
Read MoreWe were able to send out over £10,000 to provide much needed emergency relief to Kenyans in need. Please continue to pray and give to providing immediate relief for those suffering in this food crisis and funding long-term solutions to meet these needs.
Read MoreThrough our Christmas appeal in 2017 we raised over £50,000 to sow into numerous community and pioneering endeavours in India and Kenya. Recently, RM Community leader Jon Beardon was able to catch up with Vinu in India to hear about the exciting developments that have happened since.
Read MoreThe south of Serbia suffers from high unemployment rates, especially amongst the Roma communities. Find out how our 2020 Christmas Appeal seed fund has helped launch businesses that will transform their communities.
Read MoreOn the surface it would seem foolish, launching our annual Christmas appeal in the midst of global turmoil. But “Hope for Broken Communities” is part of a much bigger vision for Relational Mission: to see millions of pounds invested to help millions of people in devastated communities around the world.
Read MoreIn September of 2020 our new podcast was launched. Its first episode was titled ‘Introduction to Relational Mission - a Way of Life’. Since then, four more episodes have been released, reaching listeners from around the world.
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Over half a million new business start-ups were registered in the UK alone in 2019¹, and less than half will survive their first five years².
That’s a shocking statistic when you consider the amount of time, money and hope invested that will never see a return. It’s even more devastating when you think of the men and women whose hard work wasn’t enough to make their businesses succeed.
Read MoreIn the 1800s, Joseph Rowntree used his confectionary business to transform the living and working environments of some of the poorest men and women in England. Imagine if this business model were to be multiplied around the world today?
Read MoreWar has meant much of Joseph’s neighbourhood has been bombed. Even before COVID, life had become a blur of blood, death and desperation. Despite this, Joseph and his church leaders have launched a bakery business with a view to feed and invest in their community.
Read More2020 is a year that we will not forget in a hurry. The global pandemic we are experiencing has added to a backdrop of ongoing war and famine for many. Huge numbers of people worldwide have died tragically, and millions have lost jobs and livelihoods. Communities are broken, losing hope, and for many there seems no end in sight. But the world is no without HOPE…
Read MoreLucy Quiria lives in Thau, in a drought-stricken area of rural Kenya. To fill a single container of water, she would cycle two hours over mountains and back, on her bicycle. Often she found herself unable to return before dark….
Read MoreAs a family of churches, we have a call to be globally fruitful. Business Link is here to help churches understand better how they can support business leaders and to help business people reflect God’s glory in all they do.
Read MoreWhat do we do when things are not the same as they once were? Many of us will feel like we started to run a new race towards the end of March and have been sprinting ever since to adapt to our new world of social isolation and lockdown. Asking ourselves the questions of: How do we keep supporting vulnerable people in our church family? What do we do about the growing needs in our local community? What part is God calling us to play in it all?
Read MoreThank you so much to everyone who got involved in our Pathways from Poverty Christmas Appeal 2019.
We are delighted to let you know that, due to your generous giving, over £60,000 has been raised.
Read MoreMany years ago, Lucy had a dream. With our help, Lucy could finally see her dream become a reality.
Read MoreThank you for your generous support of our family’s Christmas Appeal 2018. See how much you raised and what it means to the recipients.
Read MoreHere's the second of our occsaional #ActsofCourage challenges: Learn about the needs around you.
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