Water for Lucy

Many years ago, Lucy had a dream. She dreamed of pipes sticking up out of the ground, gushing water. Nothing unusual about that, you might think. But Lucy lives in Meru, Kenya, which is often subject to severe drought. She has to cycle many hours per day to find enough water for herself and her herd of goats. The idea of pipes in her own village gushing water even in the midst of drought seemed like a crazy dream!

In 2019 she had the dream again - pipes sticking out of the hard, cracked earth, gushing pure, clean, life-giving water.

One week later, Lucy was tending her goats when Edward Buria and a team from RM stopped by. They were making a film for the Pathways from Poverty Christmas Appeal 2019, and were looking for people to interview who could tell them what it was like trying to access water in that area. They explained that, by the grace of God and the generosity of his people across Europe, they were hoping to be able to drill a borehole deep into the ground and find water for the community. This water would be accessible through - you’ve guessed it - pipes sticking up out of the ground!

Lucy was amazed. The team was amazed. Could it really be true that God had planted in the heart of someone in the community exactly what he had led them to do? And had he really arranged for them to ‘just happen’ to meet that very person on their trip?

It was, and he had.

It is exciting for us to be able to partner with a project that God so clearly has his hand on. This will be one of the largest appeals we have undertaken, as the engineering required to sink a borehole at least half a kilometre underground is an expensive undertaking.

We need to raise in excess of £50,000 (58,000 Euros) so that we can complete this important work.

It sounds a lot, but it is a small price to pay for the life-changing difference it will make to people like Lucy. How much is water worth to you? How much is your time worth? Multiply that by a whole community and it quickly becomes clear that this investment is a wise and worthwhile one.

Would you partner with us to see lives transformed and people empowered to walk on pathways out of poverty in this area of Kenya?

Watch the video above to hear Lucy in person and to see the broad smile on her face at even the thought of what our family wants to do for her family and community.

Lucy told Edward,

‘This is the God I am going to live for, because I am amazed I can dream and that dream can come to pass. God is great, he remembers people who are like ourselves, people who are in great need and God remembers us.’ 

Let us join with Lucy at being amazed at the wonderful God that we serve, a God who remembers us. A God who remembers those who are poor and invites us to join with him in bringing life and hope to people living in great need.