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Gender Quality by Stefan Liston

What if there was something that included, but went beyond, equality, woven into our very design? A deep and satisfying unity and togetherness that can only be experienced as we wholeheartedly embraced our asymmetry as male and female?


Gender Quality Book cover

Gender Quality by Stefan Liston

This book explores two quite different perspectives on the matter of what God had in mind when making us as he did. Prepare to think deeply. Prepare to listen carefully. Prepare to ponder purposefully. We no longer have the luxury of ignoring this conversation; it matters too much for us and for our children.

Everyone a Witness by Mike Betts

Everyone a witness… What if this is normal Christianity? What if this is how the Great Commission will be fulfilled? What if this is how every tribe and tongue will be reached?

The Prayers of Many by Mike Betts

There is an urgent need for us to put a stake in the ground and say, ‘That’s it! We've had enough of the poverty, the dysfunction and the pain in our broken world!’ while also realising that God is sufficient and we do not need to go further than Him to bring order and restoration to our broken world.

Relational Mission: A Way of Life by Mike Betts

Mike Betts unpacks his dream church values - and how to make it the reality for the local church. In forging relationship and mission together familiar ideas find new power and fresh hope for the future of the church

From the inside out Book mockup

From the Inside Out: A Grace-Filled Life by Mike Betts

It s time to know where you stand with God and how to walk in grace: it s time to live... from the inside out


Event Media


Church Planting & Pioneer Events

Church Planting Conference - 2013 / 2015

Called to Go 2018

Pioneer Europe Conference - 2017 / 2019 / 2021 / 2022 / 2024

Plant UK 2020
Plant Europe 2021
Plant Global 2021

Prayer and Equipping

2013 - January / May / September

2014 - February / March / September

2015 - February / May / September

2016 - February / September

2017 - February

More Together Festival

Main Sessions: 2024

Worship playlists: 2024

Other Events

From Everywhere to Everywhere - 2022

European Leadership Forum 2019 - Church Life, Leadership and Planting Stream

Together 2017

Hear 2014 - Prophetic Conference

Forum Conference 2013

Elders and Wives - 2013 / 2015

Worship Conference

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iPhone podcast mockup - RM Way of life podcast

The Podcast

Welcome to the Relational Mission – A Way of Life podcast.

In each episode, we discuss what it means to be a family of churches on mission together, with a vision to be globally fruitful, crossing all boundaries to reach the nations, make disciples and plant locally-led churches.


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Recommended Resources


Relational Mission podcast

Our official podcast dives deeper into the visions and values of our family of churches, featuring voices from across the RM family.

Mike Betts walks us through John Newton's 50 sermons on the fifty movements of Handel's Messiah in short, digestible devotionals.

Messiah Devotionals with Mike Betts

Mike Betts walks us through John Newton's 50 sermons on the fifty movements of Handel's Messiah in short, digestible devotionals.

Study how the Messiah is revealed throughout Isaiah with Stef Liston in these short, accessible videos.

The Messiah in Isaiah

Study how the Messiah is revealed throughout Isaiah with Stef Liston in these short, accessible videos.

Thoughts in a Crisis SQR.jpg

Thoughts in a Time of Crisis

In this video series, Mike Betts looks at passages of the Bible that offer insights particularly relevant and encouraging in this pandemic season for those who are feeling disillusioned or discouraged.

The feature-length documentary “The American Gospel” pitches two ‘camps’ of Christianity against one another, crossing numbers of theological fault lines. It raises key questions for believers who care deeply about both the scriptures and the power …

A Response to The American Gospel

The feature-length documentary The American Gospel raises key questions for believers who care deeply about both the scriptures and the power of the Spirit today. In these 10 minute episodes Stef Liston helps us navigate some of the issues raised as wisely and fruitfully as possible.

A Church Restored to Glory podcast

In this podcast, find a collection of Mike Betts’ teachings on this subject - and explore what it means to see the church restored to become all that God intended it to be.


Resources from our wider family

Over twenty years ago, Rob and Liz Glover’s huge heart for children sparked an adventure to China that has seen ONE MILLION children fostered and adopted through the charity Care for Children.⁠

As Many as the Stars

Over twenty years ago, Rob and Liz Glover’s huge heart for children sparked an adventure to China that has seen ONE MILLION children fostered and adopted through the charity Care for Children.⁠

Following on from Terry Virgo's book "No Well Worn Paths", David Devenish's new book covers the next chapter in the Newfrontiers story: one movement developing into multiple autonomous movements under apostolic leadership, and the lessons learned al…

Succession or Multiplication? by David Devenish

Following on from Terry Virgo's book "No Well Worn Paths", David Devenish's new book covers the next chapter in the Newfrontiers story: one movement developing into multiple autonomous movements under apostolic leadership, and the lessons learned along the way.

A Call to Act provides practical advice and solutions, and insight understand what the Bible teaches about those most in need in our society (and around the world), and how the Church can help.⁠

A Call to Act: Building a Poverty-Busting Lifestyle

A Call to Act provides practical advice and solutions, and insight understand what the Bible teaches about those most in need in our society (and around the world), and how the Church can help.⁠

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