A Way of Life
‘Relational Mission’ is not just a name; it is a conviction and a way of life
“It is less the title of an organisation, more of a desire for a way of life: Relationship and Mission must combine together in order for us to come anywhere near replicating the dynamic of New Testament life. But it must be a combination of both. This combination needs to be in individual disciples, churches and families of churches.”
Together we can build church as ‘family’ in order to sustain and nourish long-term mission.
Would you pray for and support others in our family?
Together we can mobilise every church member to be a dynamic witness of Christ through words, works and wonders.
Who are you sharing your story with?
Together we can coordinate urgent and ever-increasing large-scale corporate prayer for kingdom advance.
Will you join with the prayers of many?
Together we can pioneer into new territory, resisting the urge to settle, and start new families.
Is God calling you somewhere new?
Together we can empower the poor and equip the church in every arena of life.
How could God use you to bring healing to our broken world?
Together we can nurture men, women and future generations into their full inheritance in Christ - raising sons and daughters.
Who are you investing in?
Together we can inspire all believers to listen to the Holy Spirit, and then act courageously and obediently.
Will you listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and follow where he leads?
Find out more in the book
Relational Mission: A Way of Life by Mike Betts goes into detail for all of our aims.