Even if things don’t work out as we want them to, He prizes tears shed on the very ground we are trying to take in His name. In the grand scheme of things, those tears are often crucial in softening the hard soil so that it may effectively receive the gospel seed.
Read MoreSome think good youth work needs to involve flashy tech, slick worship, ‘relevant’ content, and high-quality entertainment, but that’s not the picture we get from Paul’s teaching.
Read MoreUP School’s first intake of students hailed from all over the UK, as well as Germany and the USA, and September marked the first residential training weekend at The Church in Bassett Street, in London.
Read MoreOn Friday, August 23rd, 2024, my wife Claire and I dusted off the tent from the garage, squeezed all the camping equipment we could into the boot of the car, and, together with our two kids, crossed the border from Norfolk into Suffolk to join over 1,000 others at Trinity Park in Ipswich for the inaugural More Together Festival.
Read MoreOne young lady came up to a member of our team as the doors were opening one morning – the meeting hadn't even officially begun – and said, "Can I give my life to Jesus yet?"
Read MoreWhen we were asked to go the European Leaders Forum (ELF) in Poland we knew we had to say yes but didn’t really know what we were going to. Little did we know that we would return with our hearts full of new friendships and our bellies aching from so much laughter!
Read MoreHow could we, a small family of churches mostly bunched together in one corner of England, host a conference in Seoul, South Korea? How would it all work out? We weren’t sure, but we know NEVER to despise the day of small beginnings.
Read MoreIn September 2017 three friends relocated from the London (UK) to Seoul (South Korea) to start a YouTube channel. What began as a Christ-centred journey into launching new careers in content creation has since blossomed into something bigger than they could have imagined.
Read More“The teaching and support was so real for those of us stepping out and things not always going as planned - we can’t recommend Called to Go highly enough! We made our initial trip about a year after finishing and are now planning to move in autumn 2024 to pioneer abroad for a year."
Read MoreJohn’s life was changed because faithful believers answered the call to go and the call to pray.
Read MoreFor Angie, every Spirit-filled Christian is qualified and equipped to bless their communities. What is God calling you to do?
Read MoreFollowing a harrowing escape from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gilbert’s family spent the next 20+ years in refugee camps. After being resettled in Sweden, a new future presented itself.
Read MoreIn 2010, God spoke to Nicholas and Amy in a way that profoundly shaped not only their lives, but the trajectory and future of the whole family. Since then, their whirlwind journey has taken many unexpected turns.
Read MoreLast May, a team of men and women from our church families across Europe were able to encourage many pastors, church planters and leaders with the rich biblical values that we as RM have learned and practise over the years. I realised as never before that we should not keep this wealth to ourselves, but have to share it…
Read MoreHaving been to lots of Christian events and youth weekends before, I could pretty much predict how the weekend was going to go, but I can honestly say that I have never experienced an event like this before.
Read MoreA simple prayer and a sense of expectation led to a God-ordained encounter. Read Rhonda's story, then tell us yours...
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