Some think good youth work needs to involve flashy tech, slick worship, ‘relevant’ content, and high-quality entertainment, but that’s not the picture we get from Paul’s teaching.
Read MoreOne young lady came up to a member of our team as the doors were opening one morning – the meeting hadn't even officially begun – and said, "Can I give my life to Jesus yet?"
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why God has kept you alive? For the apostle Paul, it was the belief that his continued presence on earth meant that there was still more for him to accomplish (Phil 1:22). I think that same logic applies to you and me.
Read MoreBeen a lazy toad? Don’t worry, there are still tickets available for GLO - here’s why you should book in…
Read MoreWouter Vertegaal explains why this year’s GLO conference is for you…
Read MoreMany of our young people encountered God in new ways this summer. How can you help them ensure the lessons stick?
Read MoreIt has been an amazing summer of children's and youth work this year with the Nis church organising a total of three camps reaching 60+ young people with the gospel, most of whom are unchurched.
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