Born out of a desire to evangelise the multi-linguistic, multicultural, international city of Brussels, 3:16@28 is a pop-up, prophetic art gallery that uses creative arts (specifically visual arts) to present the gospel in powerful ways. Now in its second year, the community is seeing God move in amazing ways!
Read MoreA picture can leave us awestruck. Words can make us cry. Music can stir our hearts and bodies. A story can make something more real to us than a mere description of facts. In short—art moves us.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered what a difference it might make if we went TO the people, rather than expecting them to COME to us at Christmas? The Shine Your Light campaign is an encouragement for us to do just that and share the gospel out in the communities where we live.
Read MoreWhat a remarkable year it's been! This October, Hafenkirche in Frankfurt celebrated one year in their new building in a city where space is limited for many reasons. It has been just one of the many ways this church family have enjoyed God’s kindness and. provision.
Read MoreOn Friday, August 23rd, 2024, my wife Claire and I dusted off the tent from the garage, squeezed all the camping equipment we could into the boot of the car, and, together with our two kids, crossed the border from Norfolk into Suffolk to join over 1,000 others at Trinity Park in Ipswich for the inaugural More Together Festival.
Read MoreOne young lady came up to a member of our team as the doors were opening one morning – the meeting hadn't even officially begun – and said, "Can I give my life to Jesus yet?"
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why God has kept you alive? For the apostle Paul, it was the belief that his continued presence on earth meant that there was still more for him to accomplish (Phil 1:22). I think that same logic applies to you and me.
Read MoreAfter several years of the gospel plant meeting together first on Zoom, then in a living room - years of seeing God grow us in heart and unity of purpose - we felt God propel us in a new direction. As we responded in obedience, God moved powerfully.
Read MoreLate September, we traveled to Niš, Serbia, to take part in a youth and young adults event with Good News Church!
Read MoreWhen we were asked to go the European Leaders Forum (ELF) in Poland we knew we had to say yes but didn’t really know what we were going to. Little did we know that we would return with our hearts full of new friendships and our bellies aching from so much laughter!
Read MoreWhat are 5 things to consider when planting a church? Three-time church planters Jaco and Janneke are excited to share some church planting wisdom they’ve gained along the way!
Read MoreThe atmosphere was full of excitement and anticipation as over eighty people, representing The Church in Bassett Street, Revelation Church London and the RM church plant in Tottenham, gathered to pray for an outpouring of the Spirit over the city of London.
Read MoreIn September 2017 three friends relocated from the London (UK) to Seoul (South Korea) to start a YouTube channel. What began as a Christ-centred journey into launching new careers in content creation has since blossomed into something bigger than they could have imagined.
Read MoreOver vision is to plant churches - but why? Why start new churches when there are existing ones in the locality? why not just join with the existing ones to assist them? and where does it say in scripture that this is what we are supposed to do?
Read MoreFor the first time in five years, Relational Mission is gathering leaders from across our family of churches for four days of teaching, worship and family together. Over the course of the conference several delegates will be sharing their experience of The Call. First we have Maddie, one of the young people from Wellspring Family Church in Dereham.
Read MoreIn 2010, God spoke to Nicholas and Amy in a way that profoundly shaped not only their lives, but the trajectory and future of the whole family. Since then, their whirlwind journey has taken many unexpected turns.
Read MoreWhen Nick West heard that his RM Community leader David Bareham was looking for a travelling partner on a trip to Zambia, he expressed an interest in going. By the end of the day his airfare was nearly covered by two unsolicited gifts and a few days later he was on the plane to visit friends of RM in Zambia!
Read MoreLast May, a team of men and women from our church families across Europe were able to encourage many pastors, church planters and leaders with the rich biblical values that we as RM have learned and practise over the years. I realised as never before that we should not keep this wealth to ourselves, but have to share it…
Read MoreWhat happens when RM pioneers take our value of ‘family’ seriously? Prayer, praise and evangelism, naturally!
Read MoreIt was a God-given strategy for evangelism received early one morning that has equipped many self-described ‘non-evangelists’ to regularly share their faith in towns around Medway, Kent. Is this just for Cornerstone City Church - or could this be the beginning of a new wave of ‘everyday witnesses’ rising up across Relational Mission?
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