The One Team: 20 years serving the Newday Generation

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, Newday arrived in Norfolk the other week with a huge bang, bringing its usual blend of craziness, deep conversations, and most importantly loving Jesus.

One young lady came up to a member of our team as the doors were opening one morning – the meeting hadn’t even officially begun – and said, “Can I give my life to Jesus yet?” That’s exactly why we do this, and it makes my heart sing.

The youth festival gathered over 10,000 young people, leaders and servers to seek Jesus together, and did not disappoint. There were anthems of praise, quiet moments of stillness, healings, challenging and sobering preaches, new friendships made, and Holy Spirit was so noticeably present throughout.

I had the privilege once more of serving alongside Martin Segal on the 12-14s team, looking after 3000+ youngsters in the mornings, and our expanded team knitted together so brilliantly. I've served at Newday in different capacities over the years (I'm an elder at The Beacon Church Herne Bay), and it's always such a joy to see up close what Jesus is doing amongst our younger generation, and to play a part in helping that happen. All the teams on site were exemplary – whether stewarding, kids work, prayer, safeguarding, toilet-cleaning, media, Zone Hosts, musicians, and many more – and everyone was for one another, always looking to know how to make everything run smoother and bless others. All the servers on site are known as "The One Team", and it was a delight to see everyone live up to that name. Unity was natural and wore a big smile.

Raising the roof: The 12-14s stage

Was there gunge? YES. In fact, there were "Pools of Skank" for our "Ultimate Youth Leaders" to dive into - backstage often smelled of fish for 'reasons'. Was there a concourse covered in milk, and a human Slip 'n Slide bowling alley? Maybe... But there was also Youth Alpha, plus seminars about identity, mission, prayer, current issues, and ones for Guys and Girls answering anonymous questions about relationships and doctrine.

Were there sports tournaments and afterparties, milkshakes and dodgems? Yes, but also powerful Bible messages on dying to self and putting away our idols. All these talks are now online (check out your favourite podcast platform) and they are just as impactful for any adults who hear them as for the youth.

Fancy a plunge in the ‘Pool of Skank’?

Bowling for ten on the giant human slip’n’slide

Ultimately of course, this was all about helping the young people love and follow Jesus more, and he was very much glorified and very much made himself known as we gathered. In their own words, "I got closer to God, it was incredible," "This was my first year in 15-18s and I really enjoyed the talks by Daniel Macleod [on Psalm 23]," and, "I really enjoyed the seminars and felt God calling me to dig deeper into the Bible."

One young lady came up to a member of our team as the doors were opening one morning – the meeting hadn't even officially begun – and said, "Can I give my life to Jesus yet?" That's exactly why we do this, and it makes my heart sing.

Throughout the week and across the age groups there were overall 553 first-time commitments to Jesus, 149 recommitments, and 534 reported physical healings (including sight impairment and a serious heart condition being healed in an instant). God is so kind and he made sure the youth knew it.

The One Team: Hundreds of volunteers serving the next generation

Please pray for all the young people now that they are home. It's one thing to meet with God in a setting like Newday, and it's very much another once back amongst all the things that they face in their everyday lives. If you know or look after young people in your family or your church, ask to hear their stories, encourage them, cover them in lots of prayer, ask how we can support them. All is not lost among our younger generation, Jesus is doing amazing things, and I for one am excited for what he wants to do through them over the coming years. And here's to Newday 2025*!

(*Bookings are already open for next year. Come and join the One Team…?)

Steve Dunn

Steve grew up in the church, and has ben following Jesus since he was 11. He has been married to Jennie for 30 years and they have a grown-up daughter. After a career as a paramedic, Steve now leads the eldership team full-time at The Beacon Church Herne Bay, and also serves on the Everyone A Witness team and within Martin Segal's RM Community.