Pioneer update: Tottenham Church Plant

Since 2018 Revelation Church London has had a gospel presence in Tottenham, London. In that time they have faced numerous challenges, spiritual opposition, and hard ground. We praise God for His ongoing grace, and also for recent examples of His presence with us.


Tom, who leads the plant, shares the update:

It has been an exciting few months in Tottenham. (Not for football fans - obviously - but for the church plant and the kingdom. 

Toward the end of 2023, Hope Church Tottenham sensed the Lord propelling us in a new direction. After several years of the gospel plant meeting together first on Zoom, then in a living room - years of seeing God grow us in heart and unity of purpose - we felt God prompt us to start a public Sunday meeting.

This was not in response to numerical growth - and should have been a daunting prospect! But when God stirs faith, like He did with Gideon's 300, perspectives change.

Then - with our minds made up and plans in the works - God moved powerfully!

After years and years of praying for evangelistic fruit in the community a local Kurdish man, who had been doing the Alpha course, gave His life to Jesus. First fruits are a wonderful thing to celebrate, and what a joy to launch our first Sunday services with a new brother in our midst!

Filling a school hall with sounds of worship

Praising God alongside brothers and sisters from London church families

Through March, April, May and June we met once a month in a local school. With the support of Revelation Church and The Church in Bassett Street as well as local believers, some of the school staff, and other guests, we have enjoyed wonderful times of the Lord's favour. In June, we baptised our Kurdish brother and Stef Liston joined us to preach. An incredible time!

Casting a wider net

As this was taking place I, Tom, felt God stirring my heart for a new initiative. Alongside my role in the church, I work at the primary school we meet in and see firsthand the needs in this community. The Lord has been prompting the question, ‘How can the Church bless the community?’

God’s power: Hearing the story of finding faith in Jesus

June 2024: Baptising a new brother in Christ

Tottenham is incredibly diverse not only in culture and ethnicity, but also in bank balances and access to necessities. Through prophetic leading and connections via Mike Betts, we have been given an incredible opportunity to take donations from a church in Wembley that has included new branded clothes and trainers and share them out to the community.

There is also a fast moving conversation about a partnership between the school and the church plant for a new Community Hub from which the community can receive when in need, but also give to.

Prayer for us!

Prayer for more fruit for the gospel. We’re so excited for our new Kurdish brother, and we want to see the next one come to Jesus, and then the one after that, and the one after that!

Pray for continued favour and energy for the team as they run Sunday services with limited numbers of people to serve. Pray for wisdom as the Community Hub launches.