Lessons that last
Many of our young people went to the Newfrontiers youth festival Newday this summer, and encountered God in new ways. Five young people from Hope Church, Ipswich made first time responses to the gospel, and another church reported the following testimonies:
Eli age 11:
I recommitted myself to Jesus - I felt it bubbling inside me each night but knew I needed to go forward on the last night. I feel so excited and felt the Holy Spirit on me.
Esther age 13:
I told my youth leaders at the start of the week that I wanted to hear from God. I was amazed that I had 4 prophetic words for others during the week and know my youth leaders were praying for me.
There will be many similar stories that we haven't been able to capture, of first-time commitments, recommitments, healings, growth in spiritual gifts, new steps of courage taken.
If you don't know the stories from your young people, ask them... and keep asking until you get more than 'It was great'. Be specific. Ask things like 'Which speaker impacted you the most?' 'Which seminar stream did you go to?' 'DId you learn anything new about God or what it means to follow him?' 'Is there anything you resolved to do differently as a result of what you learned?'
Ask how they are continuing to put into practice what they have learned. Ask how you can be praying for them this year, then check in once in a while to see how it's going. It's so easy to forget the lessons we learn, let's help each other remember and continue to grow togther.
Maybe you could even tell them what God has been speaking to you about recently - and ask them to pray that he will help you grow in that.
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. ”