LEAD: Investing in solid foundations
If you haven’t heard about it before, LEAD is a two-year foundational course designed for anyone called to leadership at any level in the Church, Workplace or Community.
It is designed to fit around your current work and leadership commitments, so you won't need to take 2 years out to build a seriously sturdy theological foundation for your life.
“…one of the reasons I wanted to do LEAD was because it would force me to read my Bible more. It doesn’t sound very spiritual, but it certainly worked!”
The LEAD Experience
Lauren, from Revelation Church London, did LEAD in 2017–2019. She explains what she enjoyed about the course and why someone might benefit from it:
Growing in Bible knowledge
“Doing LEAD increased the amount of time I was spending in my Bible, and in understanding how it all fits together and should change my life. I remember writing on my application form that one of the reasons I wanted to do LEAD was because it would force me to read my Bible more. It doesn’t sound very spiritual, but it certainly worked! I was investing in my understanding of the Bible and theology with a lot of intentionality. Sometimes the early starts on a Saturday were a bit painful, but they were always worth it.”
Making friendships across the RM family
“It was also great to spend time with Christians from different churches and locations. It helped me to feel more tangibly connected to Relational Mission and the wider church body, and remember that my church isn’t the centre of the universe.”
Connecting theology to life
“There were chunks of time in many of the LEAD training sessions given for us to stop and reflect on what we had learnt that day and what we would take away with us. This helped me to take what I was learning on the day and apply it to the rest of my life.”
Seriously consider LEAD
“To anyone who is considering doing LEAD I would say, why would you not do it? To be honest, I would struggle to think of better things to invest your time, energy and resources in if you are serious about being a disciple.”
LEAD Taster evening
If you are considering doing LEAD, why not join us on Zoom on 6th June (7:30-9:30pm) for a LEAD taster evening with Stef Liston.
You can sign up to the evening here: https://guestlist.co/events/680853
Find out more
You can find out more about LEAD and apply today at www.rmlead.org