LEAD Training

Applications for 2025-27 are now open!

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Invest in your kingdom leadership potential


Ground yourself in biblical foundations. Cultivate godly character. Master kingdom principles for the church and the workplace.

A part-time two-year course that fits around family and working life

Mentoring | Teaching | Growing

LEAD has permanently infected me with a hunger to grow into maturity in Christ. Leadership truly is for the ‘chosen many’, and the course has inspired and encouraged me not to disqualify myself from all that God has for me!
— LEAD graduate
The teaching is just so great. The perfect balance of being theologically meaty and practically challenging. Also the mentoring forces you to actually move forward with those little things that God has be prodding you about changing or doing in your life.
— LEAD graduate

Course Overview

There are four components to LEAD that a see students build strong biblical foundations, grow in character and spiritual maturity, and go in-depth into areas relevant to their personal leading context.


1. Training Together

In-person training in theology and leadership skills with all the LEAD students. We gather over 3-day weekends each year in October, February and May (in Norwich and Tunbridge Wells) and a July Saturday in London.

Want to get a feel for the teaching? Here are 2 video sessions to give you an idea:


2. The Drama of Scripture

In-person training in a student’s chosen geographical base (Cambridge; Norwich and Chafford Hundred) over 4 Saturdays a year. We cover the whole story of Scripture over the 2 years of LEAD.

3. Online Learning

Each term, students work at their own pace through an online learning module of their choice (out of a possible three). This allows students to pursue areas of interest relevant to their leadership. Each term finishes with an evening Zoom meeting hosted by a LEAD team member with other students who chose the same module to discuss what they have learnt.

Each term, there will be a choice of module in the following overall areas (students do not have to choose the same area each term):

  • Doctrine

  • Key Skills

  • Thinking Through Culture

4. Mentoring

Each student chooses a mentor from their local church to meet with monthly to help sharpen them and encourage them in their character and walk with God.


  • Training Together in 2024-25 take place over 3 long weekends in October (Norwich), February (Tunbridge Wells) and May (Norwich). There is also an all-together Saturday in London in July 2025.

    The Drama of Scripture are in November, January, March and June (exact dates depend on your chosen geographical base) in Norwich, Chafford Hundrer or Cambridge.

    Online Learning happens each term at the student’s own pace. At the end of each term there is a Zoom meeting for their chosen Online Learning Module.

  • The training dates mean that many LEAD students will need to take two days of annual leave each year - however, because the October and February weekends fall during half-terms, LEAD is fully accessible to teachers. The May 3-day block takes place over a bank holiday weekend.

  • LEAD costs just £800 per person per year.

The Team


Davina Liston

LEAD Course Manager

As well as beautiful frocks I enjoy cycling in the city, swimming in central London, running on Hampstead Heath and baking in my kitchen.

Contrary to the saying, “Some are born leaders, some achieve leadership, and some have leadership thrust upon them…”, my heart is to do what I can assist those who would discount themselves, who would never put themselves first, who are acutely aware of their weaknesses, who shy away from the spotlight…if I can assist those kinds of people (people like me!) to become servant-leaders in their churches, communities and workplaces, I will be a very happy bunny. 

We all need grace, we all need wisdom, we all need courage, we all need great teaching - and we’ve got LEAD!


Becca Marsh

LEAD Course Administrator

Becca is based in Colchester with her husband Chris and their two children plus Ralph, the Cockapoo!

When she's not administrating the LEAD course she enjoys spending time with friends, baking, drinking lots of coffee and is a fairly reluctant skier!

If you have any questions about LEAD, email Becca: lead@revelationchurch.org.uk


Apply to LEAD

APplications for LEAD 2025-27 are now Open


For any more information, please email Becca at lead@revelationchurch.org.uk


LEAD is run and administered by Revelation Church.

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