Revival in Asbury?
In Acts 3:20 Peter says because of Jesus and in response to human repentance that‘times of refreshing…come from the presence of the Lord,’ until ‘the time for restoring all things.’
In other words, since Pentecost - which is the model or pattern - we can reasonably expect that times (plural) of refreshing will come typically accompanied by repentance, up until the glorious return of Christ.
Even though we live in the age of the Spirit, there are still special times and wonderful seasons to be known.
I don’t know about you, but I really, really want that.
The next generation
In 2022 at the ENOUGH/Prayers of Many corporate prayer gatherings that our Relational Mission Community has been hosting, we have been provoked to pray for a fresh move of God amongst young adults, for we recognise the need is urgent.
And at New Year’s, Nicky and I had the privilege of being involved with Relational Mission’s SENT event for this age group which Tom Scrivens and team organised. Tom had felt to put prayer and fasting at the heart of the event which was a great call.
Sent event: Our young people prayed and fasted with a focus on revival over New Year’s Eve
It was really great to be there praying with and talking about revival with those who attended – Adam and Susie Voke did a great job stirring us through storytelling about what the Lord has done in past revivals.
To be frank, the need is great.
A generation facing great opposition
Western culture has become much more fiercely opposed to the biblical worldview than when my generation was growing up (even if it was not exactly friendly to it then!)
“This generation needs to be clear-minded and bold in vision to a degree we have not known for generations.”
This generation needs to be clear-minded and bold in vision to a degree we have not known for generations. Above all else, they need what we all need and where we started as a movement of churches – a Holy Spirit-imparted, overwhelming vision of the greatness of Jesus which ruins us for any lesser vision – permanently.
So, it is incredibly exciting to read and see the reports of some kind of awakening taking place centred on Asbury University in rural Kentucky, USA. (Have a look on social media if you have not heard about this yet.) There are even reports of similar events igniting in other universities as the news reports mysteriously spread the fire.
Is it a revival?
How you define what is going on will vary as ‘revival’ has no single agreed definition, but the awakening that is happening in Asbury has the hallmarks of something that God has initiated, not something people have contrived: spontaneity, Jesus-centred passionate worship and prayer, repentance and desire for holiness; unity.
The current vessel that is hosting this move seems pretty winsome in its simplicity. It has everything we could hope for – young adults getting very passionate about the Lord Jesus, but not being whipped up in emotionalism. There is little evidence of platform personalities getting any limelight.
What will it lead to? Only the Lord knows and it might be early days, but as a spiritual enlarging for all those who experience this, it is surely to be welcomed.
In my limited experience of such things, even allowing for the worst excesses that have accompanied some moves of the Holy Spirit which were maybe poorly stewarded by those responsible, those with a heart for the Lord do meet with Him in such seasons and are transformed by the experience. There is something so sweet, innocent and delightful about experiencing His presence and His powerful love so near and so tangible.
It is the love of Christ we are after, but let’s not be surprised if any manifestations are unfamiliar.
What’s our response?
I really do think we should welcome this and pray that this will become something of a fresh wave across the nations, especially impacting this young adult generation. Why not?
And if you can find a way to be a part of it in any way you can, then let your heart be touched and inflamed by the Spirit with fresh love for Jesus.
Of course, we should test all things and only hold on to the good – and renewed love for Jesus is the good we are looking for (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
Perhaps you can share and pray together in your church prayer meetings and ask the Lord to fill you all but especially the young adults?
Maybe we can include this at some of our Prayers of Many events?
Let’s ask God to do amazing and wonderful things, more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
Updates on the Asbury outpouring are on their website.
Jon Beardon
Jon and Nicky Beardon have been based in Dereham, Norfolk since 2001 where they have raised their four children and helped to plant Wellspring Family Church. Jon is on the RM team as well serving an RM Community of churches.