Our concepts of leadership can be easily shaped by the leadership culture of the world, and we have to work hard to shape our leadership culture around the principles we find in the Bible.
Read MoreThe south of Serbia suffers from high unemployment rates, especially amongst the Roma communities. Find out how our 2020 Christmas Appeal seed fund has helped launch businesses that will transform their communities.
Read MoreWhat was once a single network is now a ‘network of networks’, with each one encouraged to assume its own identity and priorities whilst seeking to retain shared values, vision, purposes and relationships.
Read More…the New Testament is a ‘one generation’ account, describing the life and ministry of Jesus and the commissioning of the first generation of apostles, but with very little account given of how this ministry was then handed on to successive generations.
Read MoreTo many, this is a simple story of one church’s positive impact on a town community. But to those of us who believe that God’s desire is to bless the nations through His people, we know that their step of faith will have far greater eternal significance.
Read MoreIn order to effectively plant churches up and down the UK that are going to have the impact that Jesus intended, our planting strategies need a radical overhaul.
Read MoreOver the first October weekend in 2021, Stef Liston and Maurice Nightingale traveled to Germany to join Hafenkirche Frankfurt for our annual weekend away - a time that was particularly special as we appointed our first eldership team!
Read MoreIn the first of a series of posts looking at our new shape in detail, Maurice Nightingale starts an important discussion on how our shape change is part of the ongoing story of Newfrontiers: how will this second generation of network and movement leaders navigate this next transition to the third life cycle of the movement?
Read MoreMike Betts records a video going into detail about Relational Missions new shape.
Read MoreOver the last two years there have been important changes to the shape of Relational Mission. In this post, find out more about what’s new.
Read MoreGather online with people from several nations to worship, hear news and pray for French-speaking church plants around the world.
Read MoreAs the global pandemic hit our nations, it felt like a great big pause button had been pressed. But God has been speaking to us of a great divine reset, a reboot with fresh vigour and passion for planting churches across Europe.
Read MoreWhole initiatives have been birthed from these kinds of prayer events and we want to continue in that rich history.
Read MoreOn the surface it would seem foolish, launching our annual Christmas appeal in the midst of global turmoil. But “Hope for Broken Communities” is part of a much bigger vision for Relational Mission: to see millions of pounds invested to help millions of people in devastated communities around the world.
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