Introducing RM's Change of Shape
Over the last two years there have been important changes to the shape of Relational Mission.
One family, one vision - three Apostles
In 2018, Mike Betts recognised Stef Liston and Maurice Nightingale as fellow Apostles, co-leading our family of churches together. In 2019, they introduced our vision. There is still a core of activity that they are doing altogether, such as our three online Plant events, but additionally each Apostle is breaking into new fields of mission.
Relational Mission, now led by a team of Apostles (from left): Mike Betts, Maurice Nightingale and Stef Liston
One sphere - many communities
The Apostles have also appointed Relation Mission Community Leaders, currently a team of seven delegates, to bring leadership and care to groups of churches within the Relational Mission family, called ‘Communities’.
Many churches, especially in the UK, are now part of a Relational Mission Community. These groups of churches regularly join together for corporate prayer, leaders’ meetings and pioneering activities. In the past year many will have taken part in a local ENOUGH prayer night with others in their RM community.
RM Staff Changes
Reflecting all these developments in the way RM is working more recently are big changes affecting our staff team. We are so grateful to them all for how they have served us over the years and most recently for how they have navigated an uncertain few months; adapting to new roles, changes to hours and so on. Particular mention goes to James Taylor who has stood down from his role as Head of Operations. We want to honour him for the role he has played from the start in seeing RM grow and develop.
In addition to these staffing changes, each Apostle is developing structures for enabling their mission and raising the support that this requires. Supporting this dispersed way of working currently are Mark Andrews and Annice Green, principally assisting Maurice and Mike respectively.
There is still a core of activity that we are doing altogether as RM, currently staffed by Vicky Tyce and Ali Sutton (finance/administration), Tuuli Platner (media & communications) and Jon Beardon (co-ordination).
With all these changes there is often a time of adjustment, but we are truly hope-filled and excited for the next step of our journey as a family on mission.