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Feedback from Previous Pioneer Mission Teams
We couldn’t have imagined that Serbia would be our home (again) after nearly 16 years of living in England. Yet, God spoke clearly, and we were ready to follow His call no matter the cost. While all this was happening, Vlada and Sonja at Good News Church in Niš, Serbia, were praying for a couple to join their team.
After several years of the gospel plant meeting together first on Zoom, then in a living room - years of seeing God grow us in heart and unity of purpose - we felt God propel us in a new direction. As we responded in obedience, God moved powerfully.
An incredible story of prophetic guidance, miraculous provision, and an exciting new outreach project in the heart of Belgium
A cry is rising up over the modern-day land of New Testament Macedonia – “Come over to Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9). Read how God is moving the hearts of His people for this nation and the city of Blagoevgrad.
From 2014, Steve and Bridget knew the Lord was calling them to church planting. When Stef Liston came to speak at Gateway Church Ashford and mentioned ‘Brussels’ both their ears pricked up - from across different sides of the room!
Isaac and Anali’s South American adventure began on a Christian dating website. Read on to discover how those unconventional beginnings led the Butcher family back to Anali’s homeland of Bolivia to build a healing centre of rescue, restoration and reintegration for those in need.
Joel, Adam and Dan moved to Korea in September 2017 to start a YouTube channel. Since then God has led them to start a church with the vision and conviction that God will use them to win souls for His Kingdom.
In 2019 Ade Sosanya and his family, left City Church, Canterbury to plant Relevant Church in the Kennington area of Ashford. Find out more about this new church and how to pray for them.
Community Church Margate (CCM) was launched in October 2019. Find out how to get behind them in prayer, or visit them online.
Matt and Helene Spocchia lead a gospel plant on the Isle of Sheppy, Kent, UK. Find out more about how they are committed to planting seeds of the Gospel in their local community.