ID Applications Now Open!

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ID is Relational Mission's year-long church internship program designed to help you walk with Jesus into the adventures that he has for you. Over the course of the year you'll be immersed in the life and mission of a local church, where you can serve in a wide variety of exciting ministries and be lovingly discipled.

We want to intentionally disciple you. To help you grow in knowledge and passion for God, to learn you are you, and how you can live and speak for Jesus in every area of life.

Applications for 2017-18 are now open.

We have amazing placements across Europe; where could you go? You could spend the year serving in a pioneering Church plant in Northern Europe. Or run a food bank in central London. Or give a year to opening scripture with youths, helping them find their identity in Christ.

Check out the ID page for more information.

RM General 1james taylor