ENOUGH #6 A Huge Success!

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What a superb time we had last Friday gathering across the UK, Europe and Africa for our 6th ENOUGH event. This was the biggest ENOUGH so far with an estimated 6000 people involved.

Edward Buria reported back that the evening gathered some 4000 people in various churches across Kenya. He tweeted the next day, “I have a dream, it is not long from now and the church of Jesus will break the denominational barriers AS WE JOIN IN A WORLD DAY OF PRAYER”

In the UK and Europe at least 2000 people gathered and there were numerous reports on social media of fervent prayer and real a sense that this was the best ENOUGH event so far.


Enough is not only about our half nights of prayer, it is also about encouraging and practicing a lifestyle of prayer. So we need to keep going, keep praying for the things that we agreed on in prayer on the 4th Nov. Join with us…

This is how you can keep the ENOUGH prayer going...

Step 1 Show the pioneer videos (see below) in your church or smallgroup and keep praying for these pioneers. Your ENOUGH hub should have some pioneer prayer postcards left over, so get hold of these and send your messages of encouragement and prophesy to the pioneers themselves.

Step 2 Join our prayer diary – you can do this using the Prayermate smartphone app or by signing up for the emails we send out each week, click HERE. This diary will help remind you of all the ENOUGH topics so you can pray for them over the weeks and months ahead.

enough, RM General 1james taylor