Who should come to The Call?

The Call is not exclusive to leaders in the church

It is open to anyone leading in any capacity in any arena - be that the church, workplace or community.

Without the encouragement of church leaders, many who should be at The Call will discount themselves.

Therefore, we are encouraging church leaders to be proactive in inviting members of your church family to book in. Consider covering the costs where possible to get people along.

Key people to bring with you



who holds a leadership position in the workplace, or has influence in/feels a call to a particular industry?

As well as business owners and managers, consider those who line manage others and lead teams. Also consider those who feel a call to a specialist industry (even if they are currently studying) or are key decision makers in their area of expertise.


who is influential or well-connected in the community?

Who hosts MacMillan coffee mornings every year? Who is a school governor or charity volunteer? Who successfully gathers people for activities or events? Who cooks Christmas dinner for the local shelter? Consider those who organise groups or events in their communities, or champion local projects, those who are well-connected in local schools and public organisations, as well as social action project leaders.


who are the leaders and emerging leaders in your church?

Alongside elders, deacons, staff and team leaders, consider inviting your interns and trainees, small group and ministry leaders, as well as any emerging leaders, evangelists, prophets, teachers, pastors, etc. from amongst your church family.

Promotional graphics for churches

As well as the personal ask (always the most successful means of getting people booked in) we’ve put together some graphics to help you share The Call with your church.


Publicity Resources

Social media templates, printable posters, QR codes and slides


Right-click to save the image


If you have any questions or queries in terms of promoting The Call contact the media team.