Take A Step is a free online course helps you journey towards everyday evangelism, one small step at a time.
Just like the popular Couch to 5k running programme, each session helps you take incremental steps forward in sharing the Gospel, until witnessing becomes a normal part of your life.
It's free and online - simply gather a group of friends together and see how everyone can be a witness to their friends, family and neighbours.
What is Take a Step?
Being witnesses for Jesus, by pointing to him with words, works and wonders and inviting others into relationship with him… This is what we are all called to be and to do as his people.
But for most of us it can seem so daunting; leading us to comparing ourselves to those that appear to find it "easy", and we lose even more confidence as a result!
Accessible to anyone
Over recent years, "Couch to 5K" has become a popular running programme for beginners. We were inspired to come up with an evangelism equivalent, the "Take A Step" Initiative: ten weekly sessions made up of a short video alongside steps that anyone can attempt, that fit around your schedule and apply to your context.
The course has been designed to cover subjects like our identity in Christ, being people of peace, offering prayer - all the while learning simple, practical tools for sharing what Jesus has done for us.
It’s the perfect way to get started on the journey to sharing your faith regularly. There's no expectation to keep up the pace if you'd like to linger on one segment for longer. And once you’ve completed ten sessions there will be resources for discipleship to help you continue the journey.
You can join in as individuals, as small groups or even do it as a family.
Join in, enjoy the journey and let’s see what God does!
Stories from Take a Step
What kind of impact can ‘take a step’ have on your life?
Rhonda Sands reviews the impact of the Take a Step program with some testimonies and encouragements from those who have completed it in summer 2020.
Let us know how you’ve found the course, and any stories of encouragement you have at the link below!
Share your story
We would love to hear how you have taken a step as the weeks go. However big or small, every act of courage is an encouragement to others - don’t hold back, but please share them with us using the button below.

Session Videos
In the introductory video, Mike Betts introduces us to the Take a Step initiative, explaining why ‘everyone a witness’ is so important for church families to press into.
Session One: Why?
Gordon Watson leads us in a session on identity.
Session Two: Who?
Andy and Janet Moyle lead us in a session on exploring who we reach out to.
Session Three: Smile
Martin Segal leads a session on being peace-carrying people.
Session Four: Early Offer of Prayer
Marie Reavey leads a session on a simple way to have a big impact.
Session Five: What’s my story?
Steve Dunn introduces a useful tool to help you think about what you can say when the opportunity comes to share your story with someone.
Session Six: Sharing the Gospel
David Bareham teaches us a new way to present the gospel, in under ten minutes, with just a paper and pen.
Session Seven: Make Disciples
In this session, Mike Ikwuagwu gives some great insights on making disciples.
Session Eight: Lifestyle
In the penultimate session, Andy Moyle helps us think through how to make ‘taking steps’ a lifestyle.