Does Relational Mission have a statement of faith?
Relational Mission does not have a statement of faith or a confession of faith. The bible rightly applied interpreted and applied is our statement of faith and confession. However we do recognise, uphold, agree and identify with ecumenical Evangelical and catholic church orthodoxy. As expressed in various of the major creedal statements of faith. “As part of the universal church, we hold to the ecumenical creeds (the Apostles’, Nicene- Constantinopolitan, Chalcedonian and Athanasian Creeds). As Protestant Christians, we affirm that justification is by faith alone, and stand in the tradition of Reformation confessional documents like the Heidelberg Catechism, although we believe water baptism is only for believers. As contemporary evangelicals, we also affirm modern statements such as the Lausanne Covenant and the Evangelical Alliance (UK Charity) statement of faith.”
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