What happened at Let the Lion Roar 2024?
Adrian Horner brought biblical insights from the story of Elisha
On the first Saturday of March some one hundred and eighty people from across the Relational Mission family gathered at City Church Cambridge for a day conference organised by The Listening Ear team from Aylsham Community Church.
People had come with an expectancy to meet with God, and to be equipped in the prophetic, and they were not disappointed! Many sensed God’s presence in the first worship time of the day. Worship was led by a gifted worship team, who served us so well throughout the day.
Marshall Schaitel began the main teaching sessions reminding us that it is “time for battle” and he drew lessons from the account of Jehoshaphat in his battle. He not only inspired and encouraged us, but also challenged us to personally respond in these times with the obedience of faith. Adrian Horner in his teaching spoke about the need to grow our perspective, focusing on the story of Elisha and his servant. He also shared many practical insights on stewarding the prophetic gift and caring for ourselves.
Mike Betts took the final teaching session and drew lessons from the Antioch church in the book of Acts. Underlining the relationship of the prophetic to the apostolic and other ministries, he reminded us of the need to maintain a posture of devotion that allows God to work unhindered.
Marshall Schaitel helps to lead The Listening Ear prophetic training initiative
The afternoon was taken up with a series of back-to-back seminars which were inspiring, practical and powerful. Some were concerned with “battle strategies”; others with how spiritual gifts can be used in evangelistic breakthrough and helping disciples mature in Christ; how worship and the prophetic work together; and how to nurture prophetic people to maturity and release more prophetic gifting in the local church.
There was much prophetic encouragement and anointing imparted during the day, both inside and outside main sessions. But the conference also allowed individuals to sign up for a short prayer/prophesy slot in the “Boiler Room” where they could be prayed for by a dedicated team. Some fifty people took advantage of this time, which took place while the final session of the conference was taking place. People were very encouraged, comforted and strengthened, coming away with words from the Lord.
The conference finished at 9pm which, after an early start of 9am, tested many people’s stamina and perseverance! Yet all went home with hearts full of all that the Lord had done and promises to do.