Chemnitz: A weekend of prayer that became so much more
Marxist influences: Following widespread destruction in WWII, plans were made to rebuild the city along socialist ideologies
Chemnitz is a city with a fascinating history. It is a home to approximately 250,000 people and located in Saxony, in the East of Germany. Following World War II, the city was renamed by the East German government to ‘Karl-Marx-Stadt’ (Karl Marx City) and plans were made to rebuild it following the ideals of socialism - parts became a reality. Following a referendum in 1990, it reverted back its original name of Chemnitz [Wikipedia].
That is Chemnitz past (in brief). More recently, the city received new residents when the Weber family moved there in July 2023.
German-born Markus met UK-born Leah whilst both were studying theology in Germany. Following 15 years as part of the leadership team at Wildwood Church in Stafford, they and their four children were sent to Chemnitz by ChristCentral (a Newfrontiers sphere alongside Relational Mission) to plant a church.
As part of their planting process they sent out an invitation in early 2024, calling anyone with a heart for God’s mission in the world generally, or Germany specifically, to come to Chemnitz for a prayer weekend. For Markus and Leah the purpose was two-fold: to hear God’s voice and cover the city and the church plant in prayer; and to strengthen connections between their wider Newfrontiers family and supporters and the Chemnitz church plant family.
Penny’s experience
This invitation was why, one weekend in late October found Penny and her husband James traveling to East Germany for the first time.
Penny: “On the weekend of 25th - 27th October 2024, we had the opportunity to join the Chemnitz prayer weekend. James and I are currently based in Frankfurt so travelled a few hours by train and joined the Webers, and others who are a part of the church plant, as well as friends of the Webers from the UK and Germany.
We got to know Markus and Leah when they were part of the RM Called To Go 2023 cohort. They enjoyed Called to Go 2023 so much they stayed on for 2024!
The weekend started at the Weber’s flat where we gathered for a meal, which provided a great opportunity to talk and get to know each other ahead of the prayer walk on Saturday.
Taking ground in prayer
“Saturday began with a time of worship together. We then set off on a city wide prayer walk, stopping at various points across the city to hear about neighbourhoods, councils, elections, schools, universities, refugees and more. At each stop we took time to pray.
"Everything was in German and English, with lots of us helping out with translation as we went. The children also had activities throughout the day to help them join in with praying and blessing the areas we visited.
The prayer walk finished at the Schlossteichinsel (Schlossteich Island) where we worshipped together in the park next to its boating lake - we caught the attention of a few people, including those out in boats who came closer to see what was happening!
That evening we met up again for a meal together at a local Indian restaurant. There was a great sense of being friends together even though we had only all met each other on the Friday evening.
On Sunday morning we all joined the church plant for their normal Sunday gathering and Graham Pyman (from ChristCentral’s apostolic team) spoke about foundational values of Word, Spirit, grace and mission. The Holy Spirit was at work as we worshipped. It felt like a really significant time.
Personal encouragements
We found the weekend was special on a number of fronts for us:
It was the first time either of us had visited East Germany.
It was a real joy to visit Markus and Leah - after time spent getting to know them, praying for them and talking about the call on their life to plant a church in Germany all through Zoom, what a great privilege to visit Chemnitz in person and play a small part in what they’re doing there!
It was great to pray alongside many from the ChristCentral Churches team, to get to know people from the Marburger Mission (a Christian network in Germany) who are supporting the church plant, and meet other friends of the Webers who had travelled in for the weekend.
Finally, it was fantastic to see what God is doing there! Since the summer increasing numbers of people have been visiting and joining the church plant. There is a group of around 20 gathering now, and it’s exciting to see what the Lord is doing.
If you’d like to know more about the work in Chemnitz visit!
Strengthening our family
We would encourage ANYONE to join a prayer weekend - it doesn’t matter whether you feel called to a place or not, you’re participating in something much bigger and we found it so encouraging!
Keep your eyes open for opportunities advertised on Relational Mission social media, or contact if you want to be alerted to any future opportunities that come up.
Feel called to go yourself?
If you do feel the Lord has put a call on your life to another nation or you know of someone who might be interested, then do get in touch about joining the 2025 Called To Go cohort.
You can find out more, including a sign up link on Called to Go webpage or you can email to find out more.
We also invite you to the Called To Go conference, taking place on 17-18 January 2025 in Ipswich. It’s a great opportunity to explore further what the Lord might be saying to you. Booking is open!
by Penny Taylor
Penny is married to James and together they have spent the last 27 years in North Norfolk raising three boys. Since autumn 2024 they've been using their Schengen visas to the full, basing themselves in Frankfurt, travelling and exploring what the Lord might be saying about a call to strengthen and support the mission in Europe. They're also part of the Called to Go team. When not practising her German, you'll find Penny playing one of many musical instruments or enjoying a cup of tea.