#ActsofCourage Challenge 3: Look

We’ve got a courageous vision to see multiplying churches planted across the world - 5 in each continent (Global 5:30), 100 in the UK (UK 100:40) and 20 in each nation in Europe (Europe 20:50).

This can’t happen in our own strength. “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27).

That means we need to start praying. But such a huge vision can seem overwhelming even to pray for. Where would we start?

What if each of us just prayed for one nation or one city? That’s attainable, isn’t it? But then how do we choose? We can ask God to guide us to the right one to pray for.

I will look to see…

He guides us in different ways. Sometimes he might drop the name of a place into your head without you really trying to think of one, other times it’s a country that keeps coming up in the news or in conversation. Maybe it’s one you prayed for at ENOUGH last week and just can’t get out of your mind. If you don’t immediately know which country he is calling you to engage in committed, courageous prayer for, instead of listening, try looking.

In Habakkuk 2 the prophet says:

I will take my stand at my watchpost
and station myself on the tower,
and look out to see what he will say to me.

Set aside time to pray, as an individual, a couple, a family or a group of friends, and spread out a map of the world in front of you. If you don’t have such ancient technology as a physical map or globe, open one up online.

Ask God to draw your eyes to the part of the world he would have you pray for. Look up some information about the needs of that country and the current Christian presence there (Operation World is a fantastic resource for this). If he draws you to the UK, keep ‘zooming in’ until you get a sense of the town or region he is drawing your focus to.

Then pray.

Ways to pray

There are some examples of how people in the Bible prayed for and thought about the nations here, and here. If we have pioneers already in the area, watch their videos, read their prayer points and contact them to ask what they need prayer for right now. (Find them and their prayer needs here.)

Could you commit to praying for this country every day next week? Then once a week over the summer? Then once a month for the rest of the year? The PrayerMate app can help by sending you reminders of when to pray and links to helpful prayer resources.

Let’s look to see what God will say, then act on it.

The stretch challenge

Why not consider visiting the part of the world you are praying for? Join a Pioneer Mission team, see if our pioneers would appreciate a visit, ask how you can bless them while you’re there, or simply book your next holiday there. There’s nothing better than experiencing a place for yourself to help you understand its needs and to embed it in your heart. Do you have the courage to look into it?

As you take your steps of courage, don't forget to share with a friend, with your church or with us as you feel able.