Got a heart for Liverpool?
At the Courage conference in 2018, Stef Liston revealed the desire we have to plant into Liverpool, UK. Since then, there has been interest from about ten people, and a smaller number are committed to moving in the near future to be part of things - great progress!
Stef spent a couple of days with some of these people in the city in the autumn, talking, walking and praying together, which was a precious chance to get to know one another and the city.
At the last ENOUGH prayer night in November, Revelation Church took some time to wait on God to hear prophetically about the plant, and one theme that came through a few times was the importance of building well with the other churches in the city. In light of this, last week Stef visited Liverpool to connect with four different church leaders from various streams. He reports,
“It was such a warm, rich time where the favour of God was very obvious; doors are wide open! I was also very warmly welcomed by elders from the two other Newfrontiers churches in the city in late 2018.”