Coming soon: Thankful Hearts album

At the end of last year, you may have seen this video released by Olly Knight and Geoff Maile, announcing the development of a new worship album.

The final studio recording session took place this week, and Olly wrote to tell us more, and to let us know how you can be one of the first to get your hands on the finished product:


We are so excited at The City Church in Canterbury and Whitstable to be currently recording our very own Church album “Thankful Hearts”.

Over the last few years we’ve wanted more and more celebration songs that we can use in our corporate worship that go deep with their content. Often we haven’t been able to find these kind of songs so a couple of years ago we decided as songwriters to try and write them.

I was songwriting with a group at a couple’s house from church and the lady who was hosting us asked, “Where can we listen to the songs we sing on Sunday mornings? You should think about recording an album.” This got us thinking. With an album we could really resource our church with the songs we had been developing. Families could worship along to the songs at home, the songs could help with quiet times in the car or out and about on a run! We also thought that the songs could serve others in our family of churches and beyond. And so, the album was born.

It will include songs like “Thankful Hearts”, “Jesus is the Lord of all”, “Risen King” and “Strength of my Heart” that we've sung at Relational Mission events and that are sung in different RM churches, and there’ll be a few songs that are brand new, too!

We’ve recorded the instruments down at The Old Chapel Studios in Chichester and this Tuesday (12 February) we are recording a large group from our church singing to the songs to give it a congregational feel.

The album will be coming out in April, on CD and the usual online places. We’d love to invite anyone from Relational Mission that would like to come to the "Thankful Hearts" album launch on Saturday, 6 April from 7.30pm at St Stephen’s Junior School in Canterbury. It will be an evening to worship together and to celebrate the new worship album You’ll be able to buy CDs there, and the album will be released online from Monday, 8 April.

We are thrilled that this celebration album all about Jesus is being made!

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