If you can't GLO, you can pray!
We're very excited to launch our first ever GLO conference for children's workers and their supporting elders this weekend. It's been amazing seeing so many booking in, we're thrilled to be welcoming around 140 people, and we would really value your prayers for our time together, and for what God will do in the lives of our kids as a result.
“Our passion is to bring children to Jesus and lead them into personal encounters with him. ”
This year at Life Church Peterborough we've been thrilled to be able to baptise nine children. We've been praying for a new wave of salvation for our next generation. So often we can drift into making sure our young people are provided for and looked after at church, but we believe that that expectation is not where things must end. We can see in the New Testament how Jesus made time for the children, he didn't want them to just observe from a distance what was happening, but to draw near, so he could bless them and pray for them. Our passion is to bring children to Jesus and lead them into personal encounters with him.
As a dad I've been amazed to see how God speaks to my girls. Recently I prepared a sermon on Romans 6 and 7, law and grace. I wrestled the day before with finding a good image of how Jesus sets us free as a visual illustration. At breakfast the following day one of my daughters told me she had had a dream. She dreamt that she was stuck in a cage, but Jesus set her free. She ran home, and when she came home, found a party with birthday cake and candles and everything. I was so impressed to see how God had revealed to her in a dream what I had been wrestling with for a week! I asked her to draw a picture for me and used it as my visual illustration for the day, how powerful!
God speaks to and through our children. We mustn’t underestimate what they can understand or the depth of relationship they can share with their heavenly father.
So why don't you join us for a new momentum across a new generation? Please pray with us this Friday and Saturday:
- For the GLO conference, for a new inspiration for those working with children in our churches.
- That we will see a new wave of salvation among the children in our churches.
- That there will find new effective vehicles to reach children with the gospel in our day.
- For all those that work with children in our churches, schools, medical professions, care facilities etc. that God may shine his light through them.
If you've got kids, why not take some time to include them in praying with you? Try out one or two of these ideas:
- Have them draw a picture of their best friends and pray that they will come to know God.
- Think of opportunities together how you and they can demonstrate the gospel to their friends and perhaps invite them for a church event.
- Write a list of their favourite children's leaders, teachers, doctors etc. and pray for them that God will work through them. Perhaps give them each a number and roll a dice to pick who to pray for or make an old fashioned paper "fortune teller" to choose a name to pray for!
- Ask them to take some time to listen to God and draw a picture of what they feel him saying to them... you might be surprised!