Story: Sarah Oldman

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A beautiful outcome

I grew up in the church, with a foundation of learning about God, but I never really KNEW him or what he was actually capable of when given priority in my life. I still went about my day with my plans, and my decisions. This amplified even more so when I became a teenager! It was at this time in my life that I rejected pretty much any and all authority, earthly and otherwise.

I began to spiral downward, but I felt invincible and I had no real concern about what I was doing, or where I was going. I then got an abrupt reality check- I was pregnant. At 15. I had no idea what I was going to do! I hid it as long as I could from my parents, but at some point I had to tell them. They were as supportive as they could be, and they brought in a counsellor (against all of my anger and efforts) to help me work through the next few months and beyond. It was during this process that I began to seek God for direction. I was completely lost. I couldn’t see through the darkness.

After realizing that I, as a 16 year old mother, wouldn’t be able to provide the life for my baby that I would’ve wanted, I hesitantly asked for some profiles of hopeful adoptive parents. Out of the five that I was given, I kept one aside, and asked for more. This happened another two times with me keeping the first couple back after each round. Ultimately, I decided that they were the ones that I would pick. Little did I know how much of a bigger picture God was working on. This couple had just joined the adoption agency and was asked to make a profile as quick as they could to send off to me. It was no happenstance that they adopted my little boy, nor has it ever been since. We have developed a very genuine relationship with one another that has been nurtured through God’s prompting and our response. God took two different broken lives and dreams, binding them into a beautiful outcome and ultimately one family. I am at complete peace with the situation because I know my son, I know my son’s family, and he knows that he is surrounded by love through circumstances that only a loving heavenly Father could have orchestrated.

Storyjames taylor