Story: Hannah Chapman

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Divine Opportunity

My name is Hannah and I'm currently doing ID in Stockholm. We had group training in the UK a couple of weeks ago and on the last day the sessions were focused on mission.

The next day, I was at the airport at 5am on my way back to Stockholm and I decided that I wanted to put into practice what we'd been learning and discussing the day before - if I didn't start practising immediately I would end up just becoming lazy!

So I asked the Holy Spirit to give me a clear person of peace and someone who would actually want to talk with me instead of me forcing a conversation about God, and that if He did I would share the gospel (thinking about Luke 10 which we had studied the day before).

When I got on the plane, a Chinese man in his 50s (with his family) was sitting next to me and he obviously just wanted someone to talk to, as he started talking to me! So I knew this was the one God had picked and I started talking about what I was doing in Sweden and God. The man told me that his whole family were Christians but he had walked away and for about three-quarters of the plane journey he asked me questions about Jesus and the Bible. I shared my testimony and the gospel and he was so interested!

Who knows who else may have been listening on the plane as they couldn't really go anywhere! God clearly is pulling him back and it was just so great for me as well to see how I asked God to give me someone and simply made myself free for Him, expecting Him to work and He did.

Storyjames taylor