The global element of the RM vision is definitely the most embryonic.
But we feel inspired rather than daunted by the prospect of reaching into parts of the world that, up until now, we have hardly touched. We currently have just a fistful of pioneering situations beyond Europe, and yet our hope is to see five multiplying churches on each of those continents by 2030 - we call this vision ‘Global 5:30’.
Plant Global Conference
On June 11-12 we'll be gathering for a Zoom conference called Plant Global. We aim to unpack the vision, enlarge our faith and connect people with one another.
Who's invited?
We're looking for four kinds of people to join us:
those who particularly carry a burden to pray for the nations
those who feel stirred to invest money in mission and planting churches to the far-flung corners of the world
church leaders who want to help catch their church up in mission to the ends of the earth
and those who are sensing some kind of a call to physically go to a nation beyond Europe
We'd love for you to come and be a part of this key RM moment; we're believing that it will be something of a milestone for us.
We're really excited to be joined by pioneers from around the globe, people who are on the ground and are doing the stuff! Please don't hesitate to book in.
Hosted from the Middle East by friends of RM.
Continent-based breakout forums: further explore planting with leaders familiar with your region of interest (Oceania, South America, North America, Asia or Africa).
Keynote speakers: Mike Betts, Maurice Nightingale and Stef Liston will each be bringing excellent teaching.
Mike Betts, Maurice Nightingale and Stef Liston will be speaking at the event
Registration Details
11 & 12 June 2021 on Zoom
The event runs online over the following times:
Friday 20:00 - 21:30 GMT
Saturday 10:00 - 15:15 GMT
There will be a mix of all together sessions, group work and forums. You will connect with others already pioneering around the globe.
Together we will explore the vision God has given us and how we can each play our part.
The booking for Plant Global is now closed. However, if you are still interested in attending, please email
Promotional Media
We have created slides and social media graphics that can be used by anyone to promote Plant Global with churches and individuals.