We have a BIG vision for the UK
The question is: how do we take the first steps towards planting 100 churches in the UK by 2040?
In pursuit of our UK 100:40 vision we’re going to start with an online event called Plant UK. We will be letting loose the most inspirational planters in our family to help and encourage ANYONE who’d like to consider what planting in the UK might look like.
If you think that you might be involved in church planting in the UK at some point in the future, this is for you. You don’t have to be experienced, you don’t have to be a born leader, you don’t have to be married, you don’t have to be anything, really - except AVAILABLE.
A rewarding time with other explorers.
Plant UK will be a great chance to meet others who have also wondered about church planting, as well as a great learning opportunity. Throughout the event, we hope that the Holy Spirit will be speaking and leading people into fresh adventures.
We also look forward to getting to know you during the event and start that journey of discovery with you. This could be the beginning of something beautiful!
Explore with us
The online conference will be held on Zoom. There will be a great mix of content to make it an encouraging and rewarding time for all attendees.
Friday 20th November, 2000 - 2130 (GMT)
Saturday 21st November 1000 - 1515 (GMT)
Tickets are only £20
Hurry! Booking ends midnight on Thursday 19th November
Contact annice@relationalmission.com if you still want to book in after this date.
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Shareable graphics for use by churches and individuals.
“You don’t have to be anything, really - except AVAILABLE.”