We did it!
A huge thank you to everyone who partnered with us - What an INCREDIBLE demonstration of your faith and generosity!
To our Relational Mission churches and beyond, THANK YOU for committing with us to be a light to the world this way.
We raised a grand total of £101,118 (118,254€)*
(*Updated 25 March 2021 to reflect Gift Aid contributions and additional gifts.)
Still want to contribute?
Our seedfund is still accepting donations as we continue to seek out opportunities to work with Christian entrepreneurs and churches around the world.
Hope for Broken Communities
RM Christmas Appeal 2020
This year we believe that God wants us to help rebuild broken communities by raising funds to launch and support local businesses around the world; businesses that will have both a community and a gospel impact.
Seeds of hope
Our appeal this year is seeking to build a ‘seed fund’, ready to invest into businesses and bring hope to broken communities.
This seed fund will be used to invest in and partner with Christian entrepreneurs.
In the past, we have successfully launched many hope-giving businesses in Kenya through our partnership with Edward Buria. In this next season, we feel God will bring many investment opportunities across our path to empower believers to start businesses that will have both community and gospel impact.
This year, our vision is to invest in many more ‘kingdom’ businesses in even more nations.
In the bible, this kind of ‘seed’ investment can be seen when God led both Joseph and Agabus to prepare for future famine. In the same way, our appeal this year is seeking to build a ‘seed’ fund for future investment.
It’s not just financial support we want to provide.
By working together as a family with Business Link, our growing community of business leaders, we can offer valuable support, mentoring and coaching to these fledgling enterprises and maximise their success and impact.
By launching and supporting local businesses, we dream of seeing broken communities rebuilt worldwide.
Through these businesses, we hope to see local economies improve, news jobs created and, most of all, see the hope of Jesus shared with communities.
We are already seeing new opportunities laid before our family of churches.
Right now we are helping believers in the heart of a community devastated by war to start a bakery. Their vision is to not only help their neighbours struggling to feed their families, but introduce people in the community to the One who gives the bread of life.
Our target this year
This year we want to raise over £40,000 / €44,000 to sow into business start-ups that will bring kingdom hope to broken communities.
Thank you so much for partnering with us to see lives transformed and people empowered to walk on pathways out of poverty.
“I believe the only long-term solution to world poverty is business. That is because business produces goods, and businesses produce jobs. And businesses continue producing goods year after year, and continue providing jobs and paying wages year after year. Therefore if we are ever going to see long-term solutions to world poverty, I believe it will come through starting and maintaining productive, profitable business.”
Need further information?
If you require any further information or resources or have any questions or queries relating to the appeal then please contact Chris Page.